Wednesday, December 15, 2010


The left wing bias in the #wonkleys is blatant. @andrewbolt won an award? I'll tweet my suggested winners in the next few minutes.less than a minute ago via web

#wonkleys Best Political Cartoonist - anyone but Tanberg, Leunig or that Leftist from @crikeyless than a minute ago via web

#wonkleys Best #QandA Panelist - meless than a minute ago via web

#wonkleys Best Australian Journalist on Twitter - meless than a minute ago via web

#wonkleys Best Political Journalist - me.less than a minute ago via web

#wonkleys Best hair, and special commendation for extraordinary insight and commentary on some of the most vital social issues faced by the Commonwealth of Australia today, and someone of whom I cannot speak highly enough, the esteemed @RacistWallabyless than a minute ago via web

Fine, I may have altered the text of that last one a bit, but we all know it's what he really wanted to write.

1 comment:

Bron said...

Those Wonkley awards were so rigged. Obvs.